Rheumatology clinical trials

We know the challenges of recruiting and enrolling patients for rheumatology clinical trials: complex protocols, difficulties finding increasingly niche patient populations, intense competition, a need for specialist expertise and requirement for infusions of biologic therapies.
Tough challenges demand innovative solutions
At the core of our solution is our understanding of, and access to, the patients you seek. Our database of 100 million households includes hundreds of thousands of patients with immunology and rheumatology conditions. We know who they are, where to find them, their preferences, and how to provide them with a superior clinical trial experience.
Add to this our rheumatology team’s vast clinical trial experience, a mature network of rheumatologists and other specialists who provide patient referrals and serve as investigators or consultants when needed. Our pre-screening platform can deliver the scale needed to find qualified patients that meet the increasingly narrow inclusion/exclusion criteria that often characterize these trials.
Example indication: rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
The traditional recruitment model of relying on sites to find patients with inflammatory arthritis is ill-equipped to meet the needs of most trials – and is particularly ineffective for RA trials where the demand for increasingly specific patient sub-populations is outpacing the supply.
When we employ our solutions for RA studies, we also bring to bear our resources, experience and expertise developed specifically for this indication.
This experience doesn’t just give us unmatched expertise. ItIt gives us deep insights into the needs and motivations of RA patients and a depth of understanding of the many potential impacts of RA – including chronic pain, loss of function, medical disability and loss of income, psycho-social and physical morbidity. Our experience helps us create patient recruitment messaging that potential patients best relate to. AES has direct access to more than 850,000 potential RA patients already in our proprietary database with data from 100 million households.
And our robust patient pre-screening platform allows us to generate the high volume of patients needed to be able to find eligible patients.
If addition, choosing our Integrated Network & Patient Recruitment solution, which expands on our direct-to-patient recruitment solution and recruits volunteers and patients directly into AES-owned research sites, means access to AES Clinical Research Network across the globe with teams that have run RA clinical trials before and have rheumatologists on site when needed.
Our AES pre-screening and scheduling platform has the capacity to evaluate 10,000 patients every day.