Pre-Screening Process

Consistent eligibility worldwide
Recruiting for clinical trials may require populations of patients in targeted countries around the world: from the United States to the Ukraine, Chile and China. Patients need to meet consistent criteria wherever they are, and a centralized platform makes that happen. At AES, once patients have responded to our recruiting efforts, we use our AES global pre-screening and scheduling platform to confirm study eligibility and refer patients to research sites.
By making life easy for patients, we increase the likelihood that they’ll move through the patient recruitment process. At the beginning of pre-screening, we offer the convenience of completing an initial evaluation either online or by phone. We also make sure to answer any questions patients may have.
We support more than 40 languages to evaluate patients
Virtual first office visits for efficiency
Utilizing our Integrated Network & Patient Recruitment solution means that our secondary evaluation is conducted by video. This evaluation takes place through a secure, browser-based platform that patients can access on their phone, tablet or computer. We ask more questions at this secondary stage and confirm eligibility before patients schedule a visit to one of our sites, reserving site appointments for patients with the greatest likelihood of enrolling in your study. Our commitment is to delivering patient-centric recruitment approaches while preserving your budget and timelines.
We use real-time data monitoring at every stage of the process to predict more accurately patients most likely to get referred. We capture data on what recruiting efforts generate the most pre-screen evaluations, who does and doesn’t complete the pre-screening questionnaire, and who is and isn’t referred to sites. We feed this data back into our patient identification models. This enables us to refine our recruitment strategy, which helps use your budget most efficiently.
Unlike other companies, AES can pre-screen patients consistently worldwide because our global patient recruitment capabilities drive respondents to this centrally managed platform. This gives patients the best chance to randomize and customers the best opportunity to reach their enrollment target.