Therapeutic area expertise

Patient engagement demands a nuanced and sensitive approach
At AES, we not only offer the right model to deliver sites and patients, we also bring the right therapeutic experts and domain expertise. This is crucial because in our work, a cookie-cutter approach doesn’t get it done.
The needs and motivations of a patient in heart failure, for example, will vary dramatically from the needs and motivations of a patient with migraines. Just like the site facility requirements for a vaccine trial differ from what is needed to accommodate a Parkinson’s disease trial. Our therapeutic knowledge and insights—combined with our superior clinical trial site and patient recruitment model and expertise—give patients the best chance to enroll in the clinical trial that’s right for them. It also gives customers the best chance to deliver their clinical trial on time and on budget.
We’ve recruited for more than 1,000 studies in the past five years.
Extensive experience across a broad range of therapeutic areas and indications
We also understand the subtleties of each clinical trial landscape that we operate in. We know, for example, that because relatively few nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) patients are referred to specialists and fewer still will readily agree to undergo an invasive liver biopsy, only small databases of known NASH patients are available at specialist sites. That’s why we’ve developed an innovative NASH recruitment solution to tap the vast pools of undiagnosed patients with NASH comorbidities.
And we know that with the explosion of studies in atopic dermatitis—mirroring trends in many crowded indications—protocols are increasingly targeting specific subpopulations, leading to a narrowing of inclusion/exclusion criteria, which, in turn, increases the challenge to find and enroll patients. (We have a solution for this, too.)
We are continuously challenging ourselves to learn and grow. For example, we participate in scientific advisory boards to further our understanding of disease states and connectivity with patients. Our goal, always, is to combine the latest insights, tools, background and expertise to remain at the forefront of understanding complex therapeutic areas so that we can deliver the best possible clinical trial experience for each patient.