Site Follow-Up

Proactive site follow-up increases enrollment
Unlike other companies that just connect patients to research sites, our global site relations team proactively follows up with each site to ensure consistent operations and superior site performance. This engagement means we are able to quickly process and screen all AES referrals.
We build trusted relationships with site staff in our clinical site network through regular contact and support. We provide ongoing education and training on the AES Patient Recruitment model. Plus, we can create plans tailored to a specific site, depending on the volume of patients it processes on a weekly basis.
By monitoring site performance daily, including how many patients are referred, screened and enrolled, we can adjust referral volumes based on site performance. The highest-performing sites get more referrals, and the lowest-performing sites, fewer. However, we also support the lower-performing sites by analyzing their enrollment patterns and helping them solve any challenges they may be having in processing and screening AES referrals.
Our analysis enables us to maximize the enrollment of AES referrals at the research sites, direct pre-qualified referrals to the most efficient sites, and increase the enrollment rates of your study sites. You’ll get the same patients in less time with our Patient Recruitment solution.
AES Global Site Relations team forms trusted local site relationships